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Energy Psychology: Fast & Effective

When I began studying modalities of energy psychology I was skeptical. The techniques and interventions were strange. But after using these techniques I realized energy psychology was fast and effective therapy for many mental health disorders. Most of all, clients were pleased by the relief they felt.

These are some physiological changes that occur in the body that explain how energy psychology works.

  • Tapping on acupuncture points is thought to down regulate areas of the brain such as the limbic system and amygdala which are activated during stress. These points help to turn off the fight/flight/freeze response.

  • Interventions change brain wave patterns to lower frequencies. These lower frequencies indicate relaxed states and higher frequencies indicate greater arousal.

  • Hormones such as cortisol, are reduced. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone” because it is used to activate the body’s stress response during anxiety or panic attacks.

  • Acupuncture points and meridians correspond with connective tissue in the body. Connective tissue is made of collagen which is a conductor. Therefore, tapping on acupuncture point triggers the endocrine system to regulate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system.

The simplest answer may be that everything is made of energy and therefore our thoughts and emotions have energy. We can use the interventions to instill healthy thought patterns and diminish the intensity of unhealthy thought patterns through the manipulation of the associated energy fields.

Image of brain scan.
Brain scans representing the idea that thoughts and emotions are energy.

The scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of energy psychology is mounting.

103 Studies have been reported in Scientific Peer Reviewed Journals. 102 of those studies reported benefits of Energy Psychology. This chart shows results after 49 vets used an Energy Psychology technique know as tapping. The results are astonishing.

Clients report that not only are the techniques effective but the benefits are lasting.

be in peace - diane


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