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Individual therapy for agoraphobia is available in Suwanee, Duluth, Sugar Hill & Lawrenceville, Georgia

Anxious man with agoraphobia looking outside of window

What Is Agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by individuals perceiving only specific places as safe, leading to limitations on where they feel comfortable. This often results in avoidance of places like grocery stores due to perceived safety concerns. While avoidance is commonly associated with large or crowded spaces, it can extend to smaller, quieter locations, triggering anxiety. Individuals with agoraphobia frequently fear losing control, being unable to escape, or experiencing panic attacks in the places they avoid. If left untreated, agoraphobia can significantly impact well-being, potentially progressing to a point where individuals only feel secure at home, adversely affecting their overall mental health and potentially leading to other mood disorders such as depression.

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Individual Therapy
With A Cognitive Behavioral Focus

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a widely utilized approach in individual therapy for addressing agoraphobia and various mental health conditions.


In CBT, the focus is on modifying both cognitive, or thinking patterns, and behavioral responses associated with the condition, facilitating comprehensive positive changes to your mental health and well-being.


In your individual therapy sessions, we will pinpoint irrational thoughts and beliefs linked to avoidance behaviors, replacing them with rational alternatives. For instance, entertaining the thought, "If I go to my friend's house, I will have a panic attack," may not be rational unless there is an inherent threat at the friend's house. Anticipating negative events in the future and treating those thoughts as absolute predictions is an irrational mental process. The behavioral component of your CBT therapy will involve taking progressive steps towards a specific goal or behavior. An example of such a progressive step might be gradually increasing exposure to feared situations, starting with less intimidating environments and progressing towards more challenging ones.


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