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This Moment Points At Me

Mindfulness practice and a craving for pancakes points to some truths about me.

This moment, the essence of now, points to the truth. The grips of attachment and delusions which control our behaviors and thinking are revealed in the now. The essence of now points to the essence of me. Who am I? Who am I in this moment?

As I sit at my desk, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimulation influence "me". I am slightly aware of the soreness in my back. I see my dog. The house is currently quiet. Pleasant sensory stimulation. I feel calm, happy and grateful. But the pleasant sensory stimulation will change. It always does - just give it some time. Will I be able to remain mindful, calm, happy and grateful when the neighborhood dog starts barking? If my back pain gets worse? If my dog becomes insistent that I take her for a walk? If the stimulation provided to my five senses changes from pleasant to unpleasant, how will I change in that moment? And what does that say about me? Which sensory change will have the most impact? The barking dog, back pain, or interruption?

The Sense of Mind

We have another sensory faculty which has a strong influence on the present moment and points to "Me". This is the Sense of Mind. Our Mind Sense includes beliefs, intentions, cravings, perceptions, will, concentration, general tone (good or bad mood), and desire.

I become aware of my mind sense, it's influence on the present moment, and what that reveals about "me". I am aware of my intentions. At this moment they are clear. Intentionally write a blog about mindfulness. Through mindfulness practice I know that my intentions are not always clear. I have gained some insight as to how/why they become muddled through mindful attention.

Cravings are starting to hijack me the longer I sit. I can't stop thinking about pancakes. I want pancakes for breakfast. Mindfully, I have observed my cravings. I look inward to them. My cravings often have specific themes of food and general themes of comfort. There is knowledge about me when I look at what I crave.

Mindfully I recognize a vague belief about making pancakes. I believe that making and eating pancakes for breakfast brings peace to Sunday mornings. This is a delusion. I wish it were so easy; pancakes cannot guarantee peace.

I am hopeful that this will be a peaceful and happy Sunday morning. If I stay mindful, I believe it will.

with blessings - diane


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