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TeleHealth Counseling

Authentic-Life Counseling, recognizes the importance of balancing community wellness with continuity of care for existing and new clients. To meet the needs of our clients video counseling and phone counseling are now available.

Video counseling and phone counseling are an alternative to face to face session in the office.

The challenges we are facing during the CoVid virus outbreak does not mean that mental health care must be paused or stopped.

In fact, mental health is more important than ever.

Telemental health is a great alternative to face to face appointments and ensures continuity of care for mental and emotional well-being during this time of uncertainty.

Basic Equipment Needed For Your Telehealth Counseling Session:

Teleheatlh counseling sessions will require some sort of video conferencing software.

In my private practice I use Google Meet, but the procedures are similar regardless of the type of video conferencing software that is used.

For telehealth therapy you will need a computer with a working microphone, camera and internet connectivity.

  1. Check your email for your appointment reminder which is sent to the email address on file.

  2. The appointment reminder email contains a "joining info" section.

  3. Follow the link under Join Hangouts Meet. The link will look like this -

  4. Following this link will automatically take you to Google Meets.

  5. Click on the button that says "Join Or Start A Meeting"

For Phone Counseling:

  1. Check your email for your appointment reminder which is sent to the email address on file.

  2. The appointment reminder email contains a "joining info" section.

  3. Dial the phone number provided followed by the pin #.

If you are using an apple device or a cellphone for your sessions the Google Meets app. should first be installed.

While video conferencing is a viable option, most clients still prefer meeting in person.

Persons who wish to meet in persons are vetted to understand their level of exposure and risk before meeting in the office.

I am committed to providing a safe environment to clients. The following safely measures have been put in place.

  • Engage routine environmental cleaning including sanitizing frequently touched areas.

  • Frequent and routine hand washing as recommended by the CDC

  • Maintain the recommended 6' distance while in office


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